Maori Dom Petite Perle
Chihuahua Pelo Longo
Maori Dom Petite Perle
Chihuahua Pelo Longo
Sexo Fêmea
Nascimento: 18/09/2017
Cor Dourado
Descendentes: 23
Prince of Ana Nagao
Vladistar Nikkey Soley
Grey's Scale of Uttopia's Dream
Edenas Kids Chanteur de Jeanette
Tiara Vladista S Berega Kostrov
Outwest's Little Rudy
Lumix of Uttopia's Dream
Milk Dom Petite Perle
Inventor L Grasshopper
Griffith of Sweet Planet
Airi Arabeska Choco Brand
Inventor Chocolate Kiss Kiss
Vally Favorit Fear King
Circe 4 Sixty Six